
Online Soccer Manager (OSM) is a realistic Football team managing game. Here, you will find realistic staff like scouts, doctors and lawyers etc. They will help you in the game to manage the team. They make the game easy for you as a manager and make the game more realistic.

There are four types of staff in OSM. They are:

  • Scout
  • Data Analyst
  • Doctor
  • Lawyer


Scouts find the player you want. If you want a specific player for your team, you can use your scout to find that player. You can even buy that player at a lower price than Transfer List. Scouts normally take 18 hours to find the player. You will get 30 minutes to buy the players you scouted after opening the scout. They do not always come back with your desired player. But you can hope that most of the time the scouts will come back with your desired player.

Data Analyst

Data Analyst works like a hacker in OSM. They can get you the opponents formation, Style of play, Line tactics etc. But you have to use the data analyst at the last moment because if you change the formation or tactics, you will not know about it. You can use data analyst once a day. They normally use 1 hour to get the information of your opponent. Be wise to use Data Analyst.


Doctors are one of the useful staffs in OSM. They treat the injured players. Whenever your players get injured in the match, doctors will treat them and the injured player will be available in a shorter time. The doctors take 8 hours to treat the injured player.


Lawyers work just like the Doctors. Whenever your player gets a red card and gets suspended for a long period of time, the lawyer appeals in the court and decreases the punishment of the player. You can not use the Lawyer when your player will be suspended for only one match. The Lawyer takes 8 hours to appeal in the court and get the result.

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